My name is Barry Firebrace- Briggs. I am a proud Yorta Yorta, Ulupna man.
I grew up in Shepparton on country up until the age of 18 and then moved to Melbourne to pursue sporting, educational and working opportunities.
I have worked in a number of organisations notably Sport and Recreation, Aboriginal Sport Program, Aboriginal Victoria, Department of Premier and Cabinet, City of Whittlesea, Aboriginal Partnerships Officer and currently as a Koorie Education Support Officer.
From my experiences growing up on country and my career thus far, I have had the privilege of learning from my Elders and gaining an understanding of how government works to put myself forward for this position.
My passion is to positively impact the lives of our community and ensure that we are righting the wrongs of the past.
It is a great honour to be an Assembly Member working side by side with community developing a Treaty that will give us a voice.
Member Updates
January 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Naarm
My priority over the last few months has been the ongoing work with the Yoorrook Justice Commission developing recommendation for education, health and housing.
With the Co-chairs I have also been meeting with Yoorook to discuss what future truth telling will look like post Yoorrook June 26th this year. To negotiate treaties, truth telling must continue and what form that looks like is still being negotiated. I have been seeking feedback from community asking how would you like truth telling to be after Yoorrook ceases and the consistent answer is “we want the Assembly to lead the work”.
My engagement activities over the past few months have included:
- November 21st Ceremonial Opening of Treaty Negotiations – Darebin Park
- November 27th Philanthropy Roundtable partnership – Yoorrook
- December 2nd Metropolitan Regional Forum – Narim Marr Djanbana (Frankston)
- December 3rd Dame Phyllis Frost Correctional Centre
- December 4th Yoorrook Council Committee Meeting
- December 5th Assembly Council Meeting – Collingwood Office
- December 9th Metropolitan Regional Forum – Wyndamvale, Wunggurrwil Dhurrung Community Centre
- December 10th Yoorrook and First Peoples Assembly Co-Chairs
- December 17th Workshop with Blak Creative Arts Caucus – Australian Museum of the Moving Images
- January 17th VAEAI Back to School – Victorian Aboriginal Advancement League (VAAL)
- January 20th Ravenhall Correctional Centre
- January 21st Change the date press conference – Charcoal Lane
- January 22nd Treaty Negotiations Event – VAAL
- January 22nd Assembly Council Meeting – VAAL
Community is supportive of the practical outcome brief that we have been presenting at regional forums. There has been positive feedback to the outcomes brief but want a greater emphasis on negotiating outcomes ASAP for Education, Health, Housing and Justice. Other feedback is the Assembly need to have follow up sessions to keep community informed, they said “it feels like there something new every week and it’s hard to keep up”.
I will be passing on what I heard from community at the regional forums to Yoorrook and our negotiating team to inform them of what community wants to be negotiated first. My role over the next 4 months is to progress with Yoorrook recommendations that can get the greatest outcome for community as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Looking ahead, I’ll be focusing on the practical outcomes to gain collective support as we head into statewide negotiations. If you would like to connect, you will see me at the ACCO forum 19th February, Traditional Owner Forum 27th February and Statewide Gathering at the MCG February 28th.
I would like to thank our community for their contribution in 2024 and as we enter into negotiations in the coming months, we will need you more than ever. I encourage you all to continue along on this journey with us and if you have family that hasn’t taken that step yet, please urge them enroll to vote.
November 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Shepparton
My name is Barry Firebrace-Briggs, Metropolitan Member – Council member, Yoorook Council Committee Chair. Yorta Yorta Ulupna, Djadja Wurrung, Wamba Wemba, Wurundjeri Committees and working groups
I am a member of the following committees and workstreams
- Yoorook Council Chair
- Treaty Committee
- Yurpa Committee
- Youth Voice
- Future Assembly
- Strengthening Culture, Communities & Families
My priorities over the last few months have been the ongoing work with the Yoorook Justice Commission promoting the final opportunity to submit a short submission on land, sky and water, education or health or a combination of either. Submissions close 22nd November and can be expressed in many forms including written, dot points, voice recording and artwork.
With our Co-chairs, I have also been meeting with Yoorook to discuss their accountability hearings, implementation plan, our negotiation brief, ceremonial opening treaty negotiations and Soldier Settlement scheme.
The other priority that I have been focusing on over the last few months has been community consultation covering Horizon 1 and 2 practical outcomes options, statewide and traditional owner treaties.
Engagement activities
- Banyule – Nillumbik Allies Treaty panel discussion 8th September
- Fitzroy Stars Football Club Grand Final -9th September
- Healesville Sanctuary Treaty Family Fun Day 14th September
- Nairm Marr Djambana Gathering Place (Frankston) careers expo 19th September
- Wurreker Educational Awards 19th September
- Statewide Junior Football Netball Carnival, Bendigo 25th September
- Ngwalla Elders luncheon – Braybook – 10th October
- Online Treaty Yarn with Victoria Legal Aid – 11th October
- Burrinja Cultural Centre Upwey – Yurpa Committee face to face
- Attended Traditional Owner Forum – 21st October
- Darebin Schools Treaty Yarning conference – 22nd October
- Cultural Elements site visit – Darebin Council and DPC – 23rd October
- Metro Regional Forum – Ringwood – 25th October
- Indigenous Research Centre – 28th October
- ACCO sector forum Preston – 1st November
In recent weeks I have seen a change in the Treaty ecosystem with community having a greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Treaty Authority, Yoorook and the Assembly. This is due to the Authority showing a greater presence in the regions holding community workshops and engaging with traditional owner groups. Community feel confidence knowing there is an independent body overseeing treaty negotiations between First Peoples Assembly of Victoria and the State.
On a sadder note, there has been disappointment from the lack of response from the government implementing Yoorooks recommendations. Community is frustrated and feel disrespected after telling their truths and seemingly falling on deaf ears. Community is aware of the accountability hearings and hope further recommendations are actioned.
At the recent Metropolitan forum held in Ringwood there was lot of positive feedback and excitement about the negotiation brief. Most of the practical outcomes throughout the brief community fully support with some minor changes and order of what we negotiate first but overall, the community are excited with the brief.
Following the Ringwood metropolitan forum, I see an urgent need to engage with mob so, I will be participating in joint metropolitan engagements but also conducting my own workshops and information session covering the negotiation brief. I noted from Ringwood the most pressing issues community want addressed are housing, health, education asap.
I will be participating in all metro forms before and after Christmas also I will be at the ceremonial opening of negotiations, Yarning Circle at Dardi Munwurrow and Kingston Koorie Christmas – Derrimut Weelam Gathering Place so if see me feel free to come up to me for a yarn or email:
I would like to thank community for their active participation throughout this Treaty process so far, we can’t do it without you. So please come along to share your ideas and let’s continue to have respectful robust conversations to negotiate the best treaty for us all.
September 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Swan Hill
Member update not submitted.
June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland
Work priorities:
I have continued in my role as Chair of the Yoorook Council Committee (YCC). We have met twice since our Lakes Entrance chamber meeting April 23rd and May 7th with our June meeting postponed until July 16th due to AIATSIS conference.
I attended the Yoorook and Assembly co-chairs meeting 23rd May and provided them with an overview of our education health and housing submission and asked, if possible, the assembly could have a panel of experts to give evidence regarding the educational component of our submission at the upcoming hearings. Unfortunately, due to time constraints Yoorook requested Ngarra and Ruben to give a high level overview of the failings of the education system which provided a great segue for our organizations to go into greater details of the racist educational structures.
At the May 7th Yoorook co-chairs meeting I gave an update on our economic prosperity submission where we discussed the details of the submission and to allow Yoorook to plan what their questions could potentially be for the upcoming hearing questions
The assembly’s economic prosperity draft submission was distributed 10th May to YCC members for comment of final draft and sent to the Co-Chairs for final endorsement which was submitted to Yoorook May 20th.
The education, health and housing hearings have taken place and are all now accessible to the public via Yoorook’s website Home – Yoorrook Justice Commission.
I am currently working with YCC, our Co-Chairs and Yoorook to finalise a date for the upcoming economic prosperity hearings once confirmed, I will notify all members to plan a collective strategical approach.
Engagement activities: What engagement activities have you undertaken in your region?
Since the Lakes Entrance chamber, I have participated in several community engagement sessions organised by operations and myself.
-Fitzroy Stars Treaty pop up stall information session 13th April
-Dardi Munwurro – Treaty Yarns 3rd and 13th May
-RAJAC & Wandarra Aboriginal Corporation 19th May
-Barrbunin Beek Sorry Day 23rd May
-William Ruthven Secondary School – Treaty Yarn 24th May
-Barrbunin Beek Reconciliation BBQ – 29th May
-Banyule Council Treaty Yarn – 14th June
Insights: What have you heard from Community during this time? What are the key takeaways, insights, or learnings?
At each community engagement session there has been a nervousness regarding what are the implications of non-bipartisan agreement and referendum results have on the progression of treaty.
What role will treaty play in the day to day lives of Aboriginal people living in Victoria.
What will be negotiated first and what is the connection between Yoorook and the assembly.
Will a treaty impact our current structures in our community and mainstream?
Are we going to negotiate a statewide or traditional owner treaty first?
What powers will the assembly hold and will there be a Black Parliament?
Implementation: How will these insights influence your work and/or the journey to Treaty?
A large proportion of our community understand what treaty is but there is a gap in understanding what the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria, Treaty Authority and Yoorook do. I suggest once the authority is formally launched all three entities need work in greater partnership to educate communities’ our respective roles and functions.
Looking ahead: Are there any key areas of work you will be progressing in the upcoming months? What opportunities will Community members in your region have to connect with you?
The Assembly recently submitted its economic prosperity paper which will play a critical role in shaping Yoorook’s hearing but I am keen to have follow up discussions with community and Aboriginal owned businesses to get their views on what economic prosperity means for them and how will it activate their self-determination.
I will be attending the upcoming metro forum July 3rd at the Aboriginal Advancement league. I will also continue to work with our students in schools located in Darebin and Yarra region to build on their build their treaty knowledge.
Any final message you would like to share with Community in your region?
If you require any further information, feel free contact me or if would like me to come out and have a yarn with you or our community, email
March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance
Barry Firebrace-Briggs, Metropolitan Member – Council member, Yoorrook Council Committee Chair. Yorta Yorta Ulupna, with connections to Djadjawurrung, Wamba Wemba, Wurundjeri.
Over the past few months, I have continued in my role as Chair of the Yoorrook Council Committee (YCC). We have met twice this year on the 23rd January and 20th February, to progress the Assembly’s planning and submissions for upcoming hearings.
I have met with the Yoorrook Commissioner to provide an update on our submissions and where possible to look for opportunities to strengthen the Assembly’s position in negotiating Treaty.
The Land, Water and Sky submissions were finalised and submitted to Yoorrook, which are now accessible to the public via Yoorrook’s website.
The Education, Health and Housing draft submissions have been distributed to YCC members for feedback. Once feedback has been provided a final draft will be sent to the Co-Chairs for final endorsement and submitted back to Yoorrook.
I am currently working with YCC and our Co-Chairs to finalise the date for the upcoming Land, Water and Sky Hearing. Once confirmed, we will notify all members to plan a collective mobilisation strategy.
Since the start of the new year, I have participated in several community engagement sessions organised through the Assembly and by myself.
- Barrbunin Beek Gathering Place
- Bubup Wilam Aboriginal Child and Family Centre
- Barengi Gadjin Land Council/Northwest (Council meeting)
- The Pavilion School – Preston
- Reservoir High School
At each community engagement session there has been a nervousness regarding what are the implications of non-bipartisan agreement and referendum results have on the progression of Treaty. What role will Treaty play in the day to day lives of Aboriginal people living in Victoria. What will be negotiated first and what is the connection between Yoorrook and the Assembly. Will a Treaty impact our current structures in our community and mainstream? Are we going to negotiate a Statewide or Traditional Owner Treaty first?
What powers will the Assembly hold and will there be a Black Parliament?
A large proportion of our community understand what Treaty is but there is a clear gap the Assembly needs to close and the only way to do that is to hold more community engagement sessions across metropolitan Melbourne.
I will be progressing the Assembly’s Yoorrook submission on Education, Health, and Housing. Following the submission YCC will be supporting members and the wider community throughout hearings.
I will be attending community engagement sessions and events such Treaty Day Out and Statewide Gathering. I will also continue to work with our students in schools located in Darebin and Yarra to build on their knowledge of Treaty.
If you require any further information, feel free contact me or if would like me to come out and have a yarn with you or our community, email