Our fight for justice continues.
It’s important to empower Gunditjmara people to determine the Treaty process in the South-West, and have the time to discuss their aspirations for our children and young peoples’ future as a community and to realise and achieve our aspirations and vision for our people through a future Treaty.
Self-determination, cultural governance and embedding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into the Assembly’s work and organisational culture was and still is the most critical work the Members have undertaken, and the mandate for the way the Assembly operates as an Aboriginal organisation right now and into the future.
Decolonising our constitution to bring about systemic and structural change is key to achieving this.
Member Updates
November 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Shepparton
Work priorities
Increasing community engagement within our community promotion of Statewide Treaty Negotiations, Negotiation Brief, the role of the Treaty Authority, Self Determination Funding and Presentations on Treaty for Generations and workshops at the Portland Forum. The Hamilton Forum was held at Windamara ahead of the community dinner.
Engagement activities
- 16 October Portland forum BudjBim Rangers Depot
- 21 October Treaty Traditional Owner Forum – Preston
- 22 October Hamilton forum Windamara
- 8 November Geelong forum
Gunditjmara Elders, Youth and community who attended the Portland Forum had gained a greater understanding of the Assembly’s Treaty work and expressed they ‘want to get on board’ be more involved in Treaty activities and preparations for future Treaty negotiations. Workshops at forums identified community ideas and mapping of community priorities that aligned to the Assembly’s workstreams in lead up to the statewide negotiations.
Better understand community priorities and aspirations for Treaty, and the need to increase local forums, and engagements activities, at key events and Full Group meetings. Communications via our eNews and Treaty South West social media.
Looking ahead
Working closely with Gunditjmirring and Gunditjmara Native Title Holders, community to establish our local Treaty Working Group focus on Treaty readiness, discussions with community, what are the priorities for Treaty, shaping negotiation process, Treaty Delegations to negotiate Traditional Owner Treaties in 2025, and keep community informed. Communications via our eNews and Treaty South West social media, email and phone contact. Gatherings for Youth, Elders and community.
It’s important for our community be able to come together to yarn about Treaty and the upcoming negotiations, readiness and preparations for Traditional Owner Treaties and community benefits and potential economic development opportunities for community.
Accountability to community through our Full Group Meetings and the Treaty Working Group.
Gunditjmirring are recruiting their Treaty Team.
Thank you to our Elders and community Windamara, Gunditjmirring and Budj Bim Cultural Landscape Tourism Directors and staff for their time, and extra work meeting with the Assembly members, we appreciate their support with our Regional Forums and the official Launch of the Yoorrook Land Justice Hearings.
September 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Swan Hill
Member update not submitted.
June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland
Member update not submitted.
March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance
Member update not submitted.