Reserved Seat holder representing Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Zoe Upton

Bunurong, Trawoolway

I am a proud Bunurong woman, and I have been given the privilege and honor to sit on the Assembly for the Bunurong Land Council. I want to thank them for nominating me with this incredible and historical opportunity to represent them and their voices. 

I am a mother and a carer of beautiful children and bring them up with the knowledge and power of knowing who they are and being proud.

I have extensive knowledge and experience working previously in the Government systems and now working for one of our Community Organisations.

I have a passion for truth telling, keeping accountability, true self determination and a drive to get outcomes for our mob. Whilst I am passionate, I cannot do this alone and want to hear from mob living on my country irrespective of whether you are from there or not.

I am so excited to be included on the Assembly and look forward to yarning – come walk with me and we will be able to negotiate a deadly Treaty for us and future generations.

Member Updates

June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland

Member update not submitted.

March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance

My name is Zoe Upton, and I am the elected member for the Bunurong Land Council in the Metropolitan area.

The start of the year has been a very busy time throughout the Assembly and in Narrm. I attended the Invasion Day rally with other Assembly members and the turnout was incredible and reaffirmed my commitment to the Treaty process and moving forward.
I attended community engagement at Bubup, yarning up with community members including potential collaboration.

I ensured that our Elders of our Land Council were aware of the calling for nominations for the Assembly’s future Elders’ Voice. The promotion of Treaty Day Out and the Statewide Gathering to my members as well.

Now that the Bunurong Land Council’s CEO has been appointed we are starting the appropriate consultations with the Land Council and eventually holding workshops and committees to get the Traditional Owners voice to the table and mobilising our inherent rights to get ready for Treaty. Together we will work towards, firming up a workplan and submitting requests for additional funding.

I have been part of the many smaller committees within the Assembly, attending and participating in the Yoorrook committee and making submissions around:

  • Land injustices
  • Education experiences
  • Housing
  • Economic injustices are yet to be completed

I have been an active participant in the internal committees of Treaty and Yurpa, and I am excited to firm up the workplans for the next 12 months.

The Self-Determination committee, I have also been actively participating with and look forward to the incredible work that they will produce soon.

Inaugural Speech of the Assembly's Second Chamber