New Metro Member elected to Assembly 

Aug 13, 2024

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is proud to announce the election of Lisa Briggs as the new Member for the metro region following the resignation of Uncle Shane Charles last month.  

A proud Gunditjmara woman, Lisa Briggs, was officially recognised as the new Member today, following a count-back by the Assembly’s independent election provider of the historic 2023 Treaty Elections.   

Ms Briggs hails from the western district of Victoria with connections to Framlingham and Lake Condah Mission, and is the current Executive Director for Ngaweeyan Maar-oo which means in Gunditjmara dialect ‘Voice of the People’.  Ngaweeyan Maar-oo is the recognised Victorian Koori Caucus Partner for Closing the Gap under the National Closing the Gap Agreement and member of the Coalition of Peaks. 

Lisa Briggs said she was honoured to join the Assembly at such a pivotal moment and was looking forward to Treaty providing greater pathways for the next generation.  

“I would like to see a Treaty that invests in our culture, lands and language as that is our foundation. I have dedicated my life to serving our people through community initiated, community driven, community owned operations. That’s what self-determination is all about.” said Ms Briggs.  

Lisa Briggs brings with her over 40 years experience in public policy working in Aboriginal Affairs within the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sector, and has continually strived to make an impact to the Community at a national, state, regional and local level. 

Prior to her current role, Ms Briggs was the previous Co-Chair of the Closing the Gap Partnership Forum in Victoria and the national Closing The Gap Housing Policy Working Group.  

Assembly Co-chairs, Ngarra Murray, and Rueben Berg, welcomed the count-back result and congratulated Ms Briggs on her election. 

“Lisa will make a fantastic Metro Member, and on behalf of the Assembly we congratulate her. She’s stepping into this role at a critical point in the shared journey towards Treaty and will work with our diverse communities as we head into the upcoming negotiations with the Victorian Government.  

Our message to all mob is: now is the time to really show your support and get involved,” said the Co-chairs 

Further information about the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria – including the latest news on Treaty negotiations – go to: