Wa Wa Gee (Taungurung)
We’re so pleased to be sharing our second annual report about the work of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.
The very formation of the First Peoples’ Assembly is in and of itself a hopeful and bold act of self-determination. It’s living proof that sovereignty was never ceded. This is and always will be Aboriginal land.
Having the freedom and power to make decisions about our own lives and communities is how we can create a better future for our children. That’s why self-determination and empowerment are the driving forces behind everything we do on the journey to Treaty.
We hope this report will give you an understanding of the significant progress we have made together in developing the ground rules and architecture that will enable future Treaty negotiations between Traditional Owners in Victoria and the Government.
The last 12 months have certainly featured some logistical challenges, but we’re so proud of our Members and team – despite lockdowns and travel restrictions, their community engagement and building work didn’t miss a beat.
Although the finer details of Community’s needs and desires are yet to be articulated, some things are certain. Treaty won’t be symbolic. We want meaningful structural reform that will improve the lives of our people and we won’t rest until we have it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this report and walking with us.
Gowola Nagarra (Bangerang)
Kind regards,
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson and Marcus Stewart
Co-Chairs of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.
For media enquiries and further information, please contact us.