The Assembly’s statewide Elections 2023

May 11, 2023

Treaty is our opportunity to make sure we always have the freedom and power to make the decisions that affect our communities, our culture and our Country.

The next step on the shared journey to Treaty is to elect the next Assembly so negotiations with the Victorian Government can begin later this year.

So if you’re mob, it’s more important than ever to enrol with us and make sure your voice is heard.

The Assembly Elections are mob’s opportunity to choose who we want negotiating Treaty in Victoria.

The Assembly you elect will negotiate a state-wide Treaty that works to improve the lives of our kids through truth telling, better education, more jobs, affordable housing, better health, and justice. Every vote counts and all First Peoples in or from Victoria are welcome to vote.

Your vote matters.

Voting will take place from 13 May to 3 June 2023, with mob able to cast votes in person, online or in the post.

If you are already enrolled, you will receive an email with your personal voting link – just follow the prompts to vote online. Otherwise drop into one of our many voting locations to cast your vote in person or contact us to request a postal vote form.

If you’re not yet enrolled, don’t worry – people can still enrol during the voting period! Once enrolled, you can vote in-person at any voting booth or contact us to request your personal online voting link.

Further technical details about voting can be found in our Voting Explainer.

Your vote matters, so enrol now so you can vote and have your say!

Treaty is our chance to make sure mob always have the freedom and power to make the decisions that affect our communities, culture and Country

Everything you need to know can be found at our elections website:

Traditional Owner groups with reserved seats on the Assembly have their own processes for selecting their representatives.

Announcement of Candidates

Candidates have been announced on the website listing their statements and photos (where provided). All the candidates announced are candidates who have met the initial requirements for their nominations to be valid.

If you’re already enrolled with the Assembly, please take a minute now to check your details are up to date so you’ll be ready to vote.

Election complaints

The Assembly’s election rules contain a complaints and disputes process for nominees, candidates, campaigners, scrutineers, electors or any other person reasonably connected or impacted by the Election.