At the end of the day, we’ve all worked through things to get a positive platform, but it’s our responsibility to get that moving and to communicate all these things to communities and get that feedback and start pushing that forward as well.
We need to make sure the Framework is all in place so that it can be signed off before the next election hopefully. The Government has already said they’re prepared to listen so we need to tell them. Let them know exactly where our position is and how we can best negotiate a positive outcome for everybody. Peace, unity, let’s come up with the ideas, participate.
Member Updates
January 2025 — Meeting of Assembly at Naarm
Member update not submitted.
November 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Shepparton
Member update not submitted.
September 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Swan Hill
Member update not submitted.
June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland
Status Report on FPAV Work in 2024
- Elections for FPAV held in July 2019. Successful candidates announced in December 2019. 11 members were elected by Traditional Owner Groups and filled the Reserved seats, and 20 members were elected in general category representing communities in each five regions across Victoria.
- The Treaty Authority (the Dispute Resolution or Umpire) was created by an Act of Parliament in 2022.
- Treaty Negotiating Framework (the Rules) and Self-Determination Fund were signed off in 2022.
- State Government allocated $65M in budget for Self-Determination Fund. The SDF is now active and hold funds.
- Treaty Authority members were appointed and announced in December 2023: Dr. Petah Atkinson, Mr Jidah Clark (Chair), Ms Thelma Austin, Mr Andrew Jackomos, and Ms Duean White. They will resolve disputes and mediate where necessary.
- Working alongside the Assembly the SDF Trustee is managed by a Board of 5 directors: Lisa Briggs, Nadina Brockhurst, Chris Croker, Rohan Henry, Jason Mifsud, with CEO Sandra Jacobs announced. ‘Creating prosperity for Mob and getting Treaty ready.’
- Elders Voice and Youth Voice have been established in 2024. Setting the cultural protocols on how the Assembly must engage and work with those Voices. Self-nominated Elders from across the state were interviewed and accepted onto the Elder Voice. The Youth Voice is doing similarly.
- FPAV landmark decision to include Wamba Wemba TOG onto the Assembly from April 2024 without having to have RAP status. That can come down the track a bit, but shows the Assembly is actively seeking the right to select and accept.
- FPAV Co-chairs appeared at Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing April 2024 and gave evidence and statements for ATSI communities on Treaty progression in Victoria.
- The Premier of Victoria appeared at the Yoorrook Justice Commission on 28th April and gave evidence. A landmark appearance – the first of any political leader in the country to appear before an Indigenous led Commission.
- Traditional Owner Groups are accessing the SDF to develop nation building and local Treaty readiness.
- Involved in discussions at the Treaty Committee which has considered options and timing of a potential peace accord with the State, as part of the Assembly’s preparations for Statewide Treaty negotiations.
- FPAV will be negotiating Statewide Treaty with the State Government in 2024/25 as the Recognised body to do so. This will cover Health, Housing, Education, Employment and Justice System reforms. It will also provide the umbrella in which local Traditional Owner Treaties will be negotiated.
- AIATSIS Summit 2024 (3-7 June 2024 at MC&EC) co-led by FPAV. Shows cultural heritage with Smoking and WTC every day and cultural activities from Wednesday 5 June. Many sessions spotlighting Treaty and the frameworks that have been created in Victoria.
- Individual Traditional Owner Groups when ready will be able to negotiate their local Treaties with the State Government from 2025 onward, once registering with the Treaty Authority and having their representative group announced.
March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance
My name is Andrew Gardiner, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung representative in the Metropolitan region.
In the past few months I have been involved in a number of community engagement meetings (Wyndham and other places) discussing the three big pieces of work from the Assembly 1.0 and providing clarification and seeking feedback on that and looking forward for Treaty for the general Aboriginal community under a Statewide Treaty. The Statewide Treaty is going to be negotiated with the State Government in 2024/25 in the areas of Health, Housing, Employment, Education and the Criminal Justice System as these affect all ATSI people in Victoria. I have attended the Chamber meeting in November 2023 and the one-day Chamber meeting in January 2024. I have attended a number of Yurpa Business Committee meetings and one Treaty Committee meeting. I have had difficulty with my iPad with access to emails and the member portal. These system issues are being overcome. We are wanting to hear more advice from Elders attending these community engagement meetings so that we can test if we are on the right path. Most people want further engagements like these so that they can discuss and ask more questions and come to understand exactly what in Treaty is possible and as a collective we must continue to fight together. We will keep coming back to communities to talk with new community members to advise them and seek different opinions and ideas for Treaty. Further community engagement meetings are planned and we must attend and seek feedback.