Journey to Treaty

Here’s short recap of what’s happened on the journey so far…

By mob, for mob

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the democratically elected body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the journey to Treaty in Victoria.

The Assembly held elections in 2019 and 2023 and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Victoria have chosen 33 Traditional Owners to represent their communities.

If you’re mob and 16 years old or over, you can enrol with the Assembly to help choose the path forward

Community sets the agenda

The elected Assembly Members and the engagement team are constantly holding events and forums in every corner of the state to listen to ideas and aspirations for Treaty.

Find an event near you

Getting Ready for treaty

With Community’s guidance, the Assembly has established a number of building blocks to make sure Treaty can happen fairly and in a way that’s grounded in our culture, Lore and law.

For example, the Assembly has:

Created a Self-Determination Fund to help Traditional Owners prepare for their Treaty negotiations at a local level.

Learn more about the Self-Determination Fund

Established the Treaty Authority to serve as the independent umpire to oversee the negotiation process and help navigate any related disputes.

Learn more about Treaty Authority

Called for the creation of the Yoorrook Truth-telling process to examine the impact of colonisation and help craft practical solutions to improve the lives of our people.

Visit the Yoorook Justice Commission website

Reached agreement that there will be both Statewide Treaties negotiated by the Assembly to drive ‘big picture’ reform and Traditional Owner Treaties that will reflect the priorities and aspirations of the relevant local areas.

Learn more about the Negotiation Framework

What’s next?

Treaty Negotiations between the Assembly and the Victorian Government are getting underway.

Learn about the ideas and concepts being discussed and have your say! →