The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria’s Self-Determination Fund has received the first $35 million of funding from the Victorian Government which will be used to assist Traditional Owners of Country prepare for Treaty negotiations.
The Assembly created the Fund to:
- enable Traditional Owners to enter Treaty negotiations with the Government on a more level playing field, and
- empower our communities to build wealth and greater capacity now and for future generations.
The Fund has been setup as a trust, managed by a group of experts – all First Nations people – and overseen by the Assembly.
The five First Nations people who have been overseeing the establishment phase of the Fund have been Kerry Arabena, Nadina Brockhurst, Chris Croker, Rohan Henry and Geoff Scott.
They’ve developed the Funding Guidelines that will be used for supporting Traditional Owners and First Peoples communities and are in the process of recruiting a CEO of the Fund.
The Funding Guidelines along with more information about the Fund and how to access it, will be published in coming months. A further minimum $30 million will be received for the Fund over the next two years.
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